Energy-Centric Construction Management

Ensure that your energy project is installed as designed

We are mission-driven to make your building as efficient as possible

  • Implement the recommendations in an Energy Audit
  • Build and manage a team committed to your energy project
  • Make sure that energy efficiency scope is appropriate and results in reduced energy use and operational costs
  • Supervise all building professionals involved with the project
  • Save energy and energy dollars
  • Improve indoor air quality
  • Reduce noise, odors, vibrations, drafts, and emergency maintenance
  • Avoid premature equipment failure and safety issues

What is the difference between RBG and a conventional construction manager?

We advocate for your project and are mission driven to make it as durable and efficient as possible. The Jordan Institute created RBG because of our growing concern about the lack of attention paid to implementing energy efficiency measures (EEMs) by construction managers, even when energy audits provide guidance on next steps.  Repeatedly, we found that many CMs talk clients out of EEMs, thereby reducing return on investment, comfort, indoor air quality, durability, resilience, and energy savings. 

Our team has 70+ years of experience in energy efficiency, renewable energy, high-performance buildings, and project/construction management. We are familiar with innovative building materials and techniques, and are considered leading building-science professionals in New Hampshire. We think creatively about solutions that will work best for your building and may recommend innovative techniques or materials that will perform in a superior fashion and save you money. 

We are mission driven and our profits help support the non-profit Jordan Institute, encouraging them to advocate for innovative policy and program design work, which in turn provides a benefit to all of New Hampshire.

Why is Energy-Centric Construction Management important?

We look at your building comprehensively, matching your motivation with viable energy projects, with an eye toward meeting the goals of the financial model. We understand that energy costs and availability are often volatile and dynamic, and that the only   control over energy costs may be by conserving energy through the recommended EEMs in your energy audit. Making a building more energy efficient saves operational costs over the lifetime of the building. Improved comfort in a building that comes from reducing drafts, noisy HVAC equipment, and health and safety issues, leads to improved building occupancy, morale, and value of the building. Comprehensive EEMs are most cost effective when they are integrated into a larger construction project.

What is the process?

Meet with client, discuss opportunities and motivators

Review Energy Audit, Financial Model, Energy Models, next steps

Build project team, solidify project scope, budget, finances

Execute contracts

Team meetings

Supervise and verify project installation